“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-06

Wish list for how people could support for wrap:

Have a Peeragogical Action Review specific repository?


Put it somewhere else? Who do we want to read this? Be aware of these practices?

Add RSS to wrap (using Hypothes.is).

“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-20


Why do you need patterns? Answer: They should be used/applied. Patterns for architecture exist for being used in the field (for planning and constructing buildings). Other patterns, for example some textile coloring patterns, may only serve the purpose of being nice to look at.



PAR should have a naming convention so you could have more than one in a month and software would be able to organize them. PARs could flow automatically into wrap. Same with mixtape.

“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-27

Common to create solutions or software but then not openly licensed or behind a pay wall – may provide some advantages to the founders, but how can that help wider community? Is that a bad thing that interest of owners or founders diverge from community? Good thing? Inevitable? What are other approaches?

Made me think of this paper on modular politics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c4vp4HQFYHNsFzm4rNo2uh4fU8Gonfu9nJOLpasel5I

Blog post I mentioned that I wrote: https://www.foresee.com/blog/retail-trends-and-recommendations-on-our-way-to-the-next-normal

“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-08-04

3 Practical Projects

Monthly wrap

Wraps of the working group meetings

Peeragogical Action Reviews

“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-08-24

Monthly wrap

Peeragogical Action Reviews

Pattern of Patterns → Which one would you like to fill in?

Forms for entering pattern and PAR: https://groupware-systems.org/pattern-forms/

Where are things going that have been filled-in?

Maybe have a visual showing for dashboard of recent updates so you have an automated form? One web page pulling in iframes?


We also talked about a software tool for recording check-in update videos.