“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-06
Wish list for how people could support for wrap:
- Share with course: where are problems / pain points?
- Get people’s input into wrap itself earlier in month
- Add multiple perspectives on the answer to the “what’s happening” question (coming to concensus sometimes leads to lack of diversity)
Have a Peeragogical Action Review specific repository?
- Make it easier for people to contribute
- Make it more of a data project, like mix tape, so new entries can flow automatically into the wrap for the month?
- Similar to pattern repository?
- Procedure guides for how people can write and contribute technically
- Source people who get involved
- People writing wraps at other places from where we source them together
Put it somewhere else? Who do we want to read this? Be aware of these practices?
- Archive.org - a leader of it (Carl Malamud) is also a player in open knowledge scene
- Maybe just send someone who we want to read this an email
- Distribution
Add RSS to wrap (using Hypothes.is).
“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-20
- Create template and repository for patterns
- Pattern template could be used to create cards, games, a catalog, etc.
- Scenario: at an unconference, you could introduce patterns as a tool (not that they necessarily need to be used, more of a toolbox to choose from)
- Make it easier to apply them, like a pattern practice
- Universal tools that can be used on all kinds of patterns
- PAR itself should be a pattern
Why do you need patterns? Answer: They should be used/applied. Patterns for architecture exist for being used in the field (for planning and constructing buildings). Other patterns, for example some textile coloring patterns, may only serve the purpose of being nice to look at.
- General roadmap tool that could be in its own repository so you could see the current situation and future directions
- Every two months a reminder to see if roadmap is outdated?
- Or offering it for mapping if a project doesn’t have a roadmap?
- If you don’t have a methodological or tool way to do this, it’s down to discpline and harder within unstrucutured peer learning scenario
PAR should have a naming convention so you could have more than one in a month and software would be able to organize them. PARs could flow automatically into wrap. Same with mixtape.
“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-27
- How does it make sense for everyone to have their own corona research?
- How can we hope to cure cancer? We don’t have tools.
- Actionism – what happens when people lose interest following an initial excitement about a project?
- Writing up patterns is nice, but how are we using them? What software is using/supporting/implementing them?
Common to create solutions or software but then not openly licensed or behind a pay wall – may provide some advantages to the founders, but how can that help wider community? Is that a bad thing that interest of owners or founders diverge from community? Good thing? Inevitable? What are other approaches?
Made me think of this paper on modular politics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c4vp4HQFYHNsFzm4rNo2uh4fU8Gonfu9nJOLpasel5I
Blog post I mentioned that I wrote: https://www.foresee.com/blog/retail-trends-and-recommendations-on-our-way-to-the-next-normal
“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-08-04
3 Practical Projects
Monthly wrap
- Focus on making this accessible for people who haven’t been able to participate lately, so they can catch up with the project as a whole
- There is also meta data required about the wraps in order to more automatically generate them
- Do we want to have specific ones by month going forward? Or just have one entry catching up on the past few months?
Wraps of the working group meetings
- Haven’t decided what to do with them
- Gets very meta, wrapping meetings where we’re talking about wraps, not necessarily accessible by all readers
Peeragogical Action Reviews
- Stephan Kreutzer has been collecting them from many sources (documents, emails, etc.)
- Tough to have them across multiple platforms
- Be better to have a form or software tool to input them into an action review catalog
- Have a way to print them, make cards, collect them into a catalogue, and have some sort of virtual table for looking at them
- Have a meta review
- Have a way to distribute them to people
- Have a roadmap tool
- Invite other people to create them? Write down instructions.
- In PARs, people quickly tend to put in other structure and information that isn’t covered by the PAR semantics/format
- Add a new question as the last one asking about next steps, connecting between PARs and on the roadmap for an ongoing activity and review process, if PAR isn’t used as a one-off standalone tool for a single action? Look back to see if action actually occurred or not?
“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-08-24
Monthly wrap
- Send out request for contributions to PAR for wrap
- Also ask for a personal update from people of 140 characters or less plus one link
- Feature for the wrap about a literary background for the PAR/wrap → book Joe Corneli is reading where drivers check-in about how they’re doing
Peeragogical Action Reviews
Pattern of Patterns → Which one would you like to fill in?
Forms for entering pattern and PAR: https://groupware-systems.org/pattern-forms/
Where are things going that have been filled-in?
Maybe have a visual showing for dashboard of recent updates so you have an automated form? One web page pulling in iframes
More links
We also talked about a software tool for recording check-in update videos.