Rating System Builder

Who: Bentley Davis
Time horizon:


How to join: Send an email to RatingSystemBuilder@BentleyDavis.com


Who: Vincent Arena
Time horizon:


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Who: Michael Josefowicz
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Internet cafés in Africa for profit/self-sustainability, and also printing a local newsletter – https://www.facebook.com/groups/146359786049198/

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Teen Congress

Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:


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Lack of women participating (at least visibly?)

Who: Nancy
Time horizon: 3 months

To understand what would attract more women to participate (or at least understand why they aren't.)

How to join: Ping @nancywhite on Twitter or per https://fullcirc.com/contact/

TogetherTec Project List

Who: TogetherTec
Time horizon:


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Community of Impact

Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:

This is about condensing very simple but impactful instructions onto a short leaflet/flyer, to then spread it absolutely everywhere in order to scale change.

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Who: Wael Al-Saad
Time horizon:

https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dv4X6MupreY and http://albaydar.earth (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ORvRjRP93LjiAwle2-GPkvrsJhMY8XIwuMEXzVC61K8)

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Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:


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Agile Decision Making Framework

Who: Eugen Oetringer
Time horizon:

https://www.youtube.com/embed/VlOYs5riEpk and https://www.admframework.com

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Short Personal Updates

Who: Peeragogy
Time horizon:

Asks people for a weekly personal update of 140 characters or less, to then compile and distribute these updates to subscribers and anybody who cares or wants them.

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Twitter Bot to Help With Accountability

Who: Nick Redmark
Time horizon:


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Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:

For gathering a lot of data from many sources/sensors to then simulate (A/B test) alternatives for our current situation.

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Organizing Collaboration Based on Physical Locality Aided by Geo-Maps and Chatrooms

Who: Nick Redmark
Time horizon:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/gamebcore/permalink/2750615991835110/ Update: This likely has been realized by now using https://worldvision.vercel.app to select the region the participants are in, by copying and sharing the URL which updates itself according to the selected locality. Technically, it’s based on Leaflet applied to OpenStreetMap. As of now, it’s not clear how people might find such links if/where they are shared, or would be enabled to engage with each other.

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Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:

https://github.com/ProgramForTheFuture/WISiWIDo – basically for people to build their own glossary to then being able to identify and compare the differences in their use of terms and associated meaning.

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Collaborative Conversation Assistant

Who: Sam Hahn
Time horizon:


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Who: Jean-Paul Close
Time horizon:

https://www.youtube.com/embed/vfRlnDyUMhc and https://sustainocracy.blog

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