“Peeragogy Monthly Wrap” Working Group Meeting Wrap: 2020-05-06
Wish list for how people could support for wrap:
- Share with course: where are problems / pain points?
- Get people’s input into wrap itself earlier in month
- Add multiple perspectives on the answer to the “what’s happening” question (coming to concensus sometimes leads to lack of diversity)
Have a Peeragogical Action Review specific repository?
- Make it easier for people to contribute
- Make it more of a data project, like mix tape, so new entries can flow automatically into the wrap for the month?
- Similar to pattern repository?
- Procedure guides for how people can write and contribute technically
- Source people who get involved
- People writing wraps at other places from where we source them together
Put it somewhere else? Who do we want to read this? Be aware of these practices?
- Archive.org - a leader of it (Carl Malamud) is also a player in open knowledge scene
- Maybe just send someone who we want to read this an email
- Distribution
Add RSS to wrap (using Hypothes.is).