DigLife’s Directory of Decentralization Projects


ID: c12f0b25-641b-4d22-9c2e-b56908d96c15 Tagline: Reimagining the World, Many Blocks at a Time Description 1: RChain is a cooperative building a blockchain platform and tools to enable social coordination in robust, secure, and scalable ways. Description 2: RChain is a complete blockchain platform for distributed applications. Intelligent, concurrent execution throughout the network unlocks blockchain's potential for transactions of every type and scale. Designed for maximum efficiency at minimal computational and environmental cost, RChain provides the foundation and utility for global coordination. Today's blockchains have fallen short. Current systems are constrained by the single chain problem. Sequential computing inevitably limits scalability and speed, while increases transaction costs. Massive energy and computational requirements have left the promise of decentralized mass adoption unrealized. Innovations in consensus and concurrent processing increase transaction velocity, security, scalability, and sustainability. Unlike other chains, RChain's concurrent computing capabilities exist natively in the architecture. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://www.rchain.coop/ Participation link: https://www.rchain.coop/get-started Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1D4vowiMiI GitHub profile: RChain GitHub repository: https://github.com/rchain Twitter: @rchain_coop Open feedback: I don't know what software licensing applies to my project! Last modified: 2018-10-08T15:41:54Z

Area of work: Hardware, Distributed Ledgers, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Currency, Database, Distribution, Governance, Identity, IoT, Mesh networks, Messaging, Productivity, Protocol, Smart Contracts, Project type: Open Data, Groups: Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Software developers, Stack: social, semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: UnitedStates, Germany, China, Singapore, Nigeria, Greece, Netherlands, Suggested areas of work: Blockchain, Suggested values: Cooperative,


ID: b56b04d0-e9f5-4baf-a38d-dfcbd7da18bd Description 1: Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://hyperledger.org/ Participation link: https://chat.hyperledger.org/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7Oo9QNa0Yc GitHub profile: https://github.com/hyperledger GitHub repository: https://github.com/hyperledger Twitter: hyperledger Last modified: 2018-07-14T05:35:50Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: Distributed Ledgers, Governance, Identity, IoT, Manufacturing, Smart Contracts, Project type: Software, Groups: Software developers, Stack: networking, consensus, Network topologies: null, Suggested areas of work: supply chains,


ID: 5e4a0e63-1ef8-4b36-ad99-4c92222d89cd Description 1: 18 Watt Broadband Router (Hardwired ETHERNET and 802.11b/g/n), RAID enhanced Networks Attached Storage (NAS), IoT gateway, green cryptocurrency mining, TPM Ultra-Security Description 2: A highly efficient (18 Watt) and expandable broadband router that is also an IoT gateway, NAS server, and cryptocurrency mining system that uses an FPGA for efficient and flexible mining. Using a TPM processor it inspects every packet passing through the system for malware using fuzzy logic. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://subutai.io/router.html Participation link: https://subutai.io/getting-involved.html GitHub profile: subutai-attic GitHub repository: https://github.com/subutai-attic/liquid-router Last modified: 2018-07-01T20:43:50Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Cryptography, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Hardware, IoT, Manufacturing, Mesh networks, Messaging, Open hardware, Operating systems, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Hardware, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Brazil, Turkey,


ID: 8cd148eb-3a40-4184-aeb3-6749e5102496 Tagline: A New Internet for Decentralized Apps Description 1: Blockstack is a new internet for decentralized apps that you access through the Blockstack Browser. With Blockstack, there is a new world of apps that let you own your data and maintain your privacy, security and freedom. Description 2: Blockstack uses the lower layers of the traditional internet and focuses on decentralizing the application layer. Blockstack provides key tools and infrastructure to developers enabling decentralized storage and decentralized authentication & identity. Developers build single-page applications in JavaScript then plug into user-run APIs, which eliminates centralized points of control. Users run decentralized apps through the Blockstack browser and give explicit read/write permissions to their data. Information is encrypted and stored on users’ personal devices. There are no middlemen, no passwords, and no massive data silos to breach. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://blockstack.org/ Participation link: https://forum.blockstack.org/ Video: https://youtu.be/7SmC7AuZNWY GitHub profile: https://github.com/muneeb-ali GitHub repository: https://github.com/blockstack/ Twitter: @blockstack Last modified: 2018-07-12T09:35:01Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, MIT License, MPL v2.0, Area of work: Browsing, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Identity, Protocol, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: social, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: dapp, serverless,


ID: 3e00b729-5df3-42f1-b41f-cbaca761ea0f Tagline: ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web, Node.js, Mac, Windows, & Linux Description 1: Using open web standards, WebTorrent connects website users together to form a distributed, decentralized browser-to-browser network for efficient file transfer. The more people that use a WebTorrent-powered website, the faster and more resilient it becomes. Description 2: WebTorrent is the first torrent client that works in the browser. It's written completely in JavaScript – the language of the web – and uses WebRTC for true peer-to-peer transport. No browser plugin, extension, or installation is required. Using open web standards, WebTorrent connects website users together to form a distributed, decentralized browser-to-browser network for efficient file transfer. Imagine a video site like YouTube, where visitors help to host the site's content. The more people that use a WebTorrent-powered website, the faster and more resilient it becomes. Browser-to-browser communication cuts out the middle-man and lets people communicate on their own terms. No more client/server – just a network of peers, all equal. WebTorrent is the first step in the journey to redecentralize the Web. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://webtorrent.io/ Participation link: https://gitter.im/webtorrent/webtorrent Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxHRATfvnlw GitHub profile: https://github.com/webtorrent GitHub repository: https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent Twitter: https://twitter.com/WebTorrentApp Last modified: 2018-07-12T22:06:10Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Distribution, Mesh networks, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Open Data, Software, Groups: Artists, General public, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: WebTorrentgetsmillionsofdownloads, likelyfromusersinalmosteverycountry., Suggested areas of work: Filesharing, Mediaconsumption, Suggested values: Content-addressed,


ID: e9134701-2a5c-4577-b557-186037a62bbe Tagline: OAuth for the open web Description 1: IndieAuth enables people and businesses to maintain control of their online identity by using their own web addresses to sign in to applications. Description 2: IndieAuth is a decentralized identity protocol built on top of OAuth 2.0. This allows individual websites like someone's own WordPress or Mastodon instance to become its own identity provider. Both users and applications are identified by URLs, avoiding the need for getting API keys or users making new accounts. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://indieauth.net/ Participation link: https://indieweb.org/discuss GitHub profile: https://github.com/indieweb GitHub repository: https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth Twitter: @Indie_Auth Open feedback: Some of the questions don't apply because this isn't a single piece of software, this is a spec that many other software projects implement. Last modified: 2018-07-25T14:54:12Z

Software licenses: CC0, Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Groups: Software developers, Stack: social, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: US, Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Iceland, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy,


ID: b217de54-e877-4a4b-9d6e-d56f29c0f7d6 Tagline: Think outside the blocks Description 1: [Holochain](https://holochain.org/) is a software framework for creating fully distributed/peer-to-peer applications that are both highly scalable and cryptographically secured. Description 2: For more details visit the [Holochain](https://holochain.org/) website and/or read our [whitepaper](https://holochain.org/whitepaper): ***Holochain: scalable agent-centric distributed computing:*** > *Whitepaper ABSTRACT : We present a scalable, agent-centric distributed computing platform. We use a formalism to characterize distributed systems, show how it applies to some existing distributed systems, and demonstrate the benefits of shifting from a data-centric to an agent-centric model. We present a detailed formal specification of the Holochain system, along with an analysis of its systemic integrity, capacity for evolution, total system computational complexity, implications for use-cases, and current implementation status.* Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: select one Link: https://holochain.org/ Participation link: https://chat.holochain.org Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyCtYrHJebs GitHub profile: https://github.com/holochain GitHub repository: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto Twitter: holochain Last modified: 2018-07-14T02:24:22Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Collaboration, Cryptography, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Identity, IoT, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: social, legal, semantic, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Canada, UnitedStates, Germany, Australia, India, UnitedKingdom, Russia, Suggested values: agent-centric,


ID: 6b9f2033-c33d-43b8-848e-5b2c2551b397 Tagline: Linux distro for personal servers and Indie IoT devices Description 1: Makes administration of user-owned servers much simpler Description 2: Want to keep your data at home instead of handing it over to a cloud overlord? But dreading server maintenance. UBOS makes it simple. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://ubos.net/ Participation link: https://forum.ubos.net/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z22c8vGzD4 GitHub profile: https://github.com/uboslinux GitHub repository: https://github.com/uboslinux Twitter: @uboslinux Last modified: 2018-07-10T03:49:08Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3, MIT License, Modified BSD, Other OSI-approved license, Other, Area of work: Distribution, IoT, Operating systems, Productivity, Publishing, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Network topologies: distributed,

The hi:project

ID: 23130ce2-f42d-43f3-adba-c33f8c775b80 Tagline: empowering you, empowering us all, with a more human web Description 1: The way a machine or service helps you accomplish tasks with or through it, that’s the user interface. The way your software helps you accomplish tasks with other software, that’s the human interface. Description 2: [The hi:project](https://hi-project.org/) is a nonprofit, free, open-source engineering program formed to create a more human-centric web, open and accessible to all. Endorsed by the [Web Science Trust](http://www.webscience.org/), we’re currently building a community of interested parties, preparing to develop a technical proof of concept. The project helps: * secure a citizen-centric Internet (redecentralizing) * solve personal data & privacy * transform accessibility & digital inclusion. Maturity: concept Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://hi-project.org/ Participation link: https://hi-project.org/join-hiproject/ Video: https://youtu.be/oh5QuaYs49c GitHub profile: https://github.com/sheldrake GitHub repository: https://github.com/hi-project Twitter: hi-proj Last modified: 2018-07-08T20:12:44Z

Software licenses: CC0, GNU GPL v3, Area of work: CivicTech, Collaboration, Distribution, Identity, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Groups: General public, Stack: human interface, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: aaa9df15-3939-4713-86cb-35548cf34a0b Tagline: Reach beyond communication barriers Description 1: Knapsack for Hope protocol allow us to transfer data using commercial TV channels without obtaining new hardware Description 2: Knapsack for Hope is a satellite file casting technology that leverages common satellite equipment to deliver digital content without relying on access to the internet. Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: https://knapsackforhope.org/ Participation link: https://www.netfreedompioneers.org/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiOqq00Ika4 Twitter: @NFPmedia Last modified: 2018-08-16T02:44:13Z

Area of work: Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Distribution, Mesh networks, Protocol, Publishing, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Stack: networking, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan,


ID: 56ac0234-4911-478c-80ac-737d24d3dd5f Tagline: Bridgy connects traditional social networks to the IndieWeb. Description 1: Bridgy pulls comments and likes from social networks back to your web site. You can also use it to publish your posts to those social networks. Description 2: Bridgy periodically checks social networks for responses to your posts and links to your web site and sends them back to your site as [webmentions](https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/). Bridgy also translates the responses to [microformats](http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2) so that your web site can fetch and parse them. Bridgy can also publish posts, comments, likes, and retweets from your web site to social networks. When you ask Bridgy to publish a post, it analyzes its microformats data and publishes it using the social network APIs. Bridgy currently supports Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, GitHub, Flickr, Google+, Blogger, Medium, Tumblr, and WordPress.com. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://brid.gy/ Participation link: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/ GitHub profile: snarfed GitHub repository: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/ Last modified: 2018-07-17T20:22:31Z

Software licenses: CC0, Area of work: Publishing, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: USA, UK, Germany, Suggested areas of work: Social networking, Suggested values: Dataownership, privacy,


ID: b129ac6c-0274-41e0-8a99-d2c137d560d9 Description 1: Matrix’s initial goal is to fix the problem of fragmented IP communications: letting users message and call each other without having to care what app the other user is on - making it as easy as sending an email. Description 2: # What is Matrix? Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over IP. It can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication - or anywhere you need a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to data whilst tracking the conversation history. Matrix defines the standard, and provides open source reference implementations of Matrix-compatible Servers, Clients, Client SDKs and Application Services to help you create new communication solutions or extend the capabilities and reach of existing ones. # What is Matrix's Mission? Matrix’s initial goal is to fix the problem of fragmented IP communications: letting users message and call each other without having to care what app the other user is on - making it as easy as sending an email. The longer term goal is for Matrix to act as a generic HTTP messaging and data synchronisation system for the whole web - allowing people, services and devices to easily communicate with each other, empowering users to own and control their data and select the services and vendors they want to use. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://matrix.org/ Participation link: https://matrix.org/docs/guides/faq.html#how-can-i-get-involved%3F Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of2grFsl9rM GitHub profile: https://github.com/matrix-org/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc Twitter: matrixdotorg Open feedback: Thanks for including Matrix. Last modified: 2018-07-25T12:13:27Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: CivicTech, Identity, Collaboration, Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, IoT, Messaging, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, networking, consensus, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: UK, France, Germany, USA, Finland, Suggested values: open specification,


ID: ac7f5b56-e5f7-47d4-8b7a-3adb24001d4e Tagline: A digital wallet for your photos Description 1: Textile Photos is a mobile app to sync, share, and secure your photos. It is build on the Textile digital wallet, designed to store all your personal data. Description 2: We believe in a future where we can control our own data. Let's start with photos. Textile let's users sync, share, and secure all their personal photos on a decentralized network of computers called, IPFS. Your photos remain privately encrypted only for you. When you share your photos, Textile uses peer-to-peer technology, meaning your photos are private to you and your friends. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://www.textile.photos/ Participation link: https://slack.textile.io/ GitHub profile: https://github.com/textileio/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/textileio/textile-mobile Twitter: textile01 Last modified: 2018-07-21T17:18:31Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Cryptography, Database, Distribution, Identity, Messaging, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, Legal professionals, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: USA, Germany, Suggested values: Design, UserExerience,


ID: 0a047aaa-3748-4cf5-af44-eff917a4c3c5 Tagline: Free software music communities Description 1: Share your listening habits and discover new music Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: http://libre.fm Twitter: @librefm Last modified: 2018-08-01T18:44:58Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Database, Project type: Community Engagement, Groups: Artists, General public, Stack: social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 7c688c6e-548c-4afc-90a9-abb3be0be74d Tagline: Peer-To-Peer Permanence of Web Archives Description 1: InterPlanetary Wayback (IPWB) facilitates permanence and collaboration in web archives by disseminating the contents of WARC files into the IPFS network. IPFS is a peer-to-peer content-addressable file system that inherently allows deduplication and facilitates opt-in replication. IPWB splits the header and payload of WARC response records before disseminating into IPFS to leverage the deduplication, builds a CDXJ index with references to the IPFS hashes returned, and combines the header and payload from IPFS at the time of replay. Description 2: # InterPlanetary Wayback (IPWB) **Peer-To-Peer Permanence of Web Archives** InterPlanetary Wayback (IPWB) facilitates permanence and collaboration in web archives by disseminating the contents of [WARC](http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=44717) files into the IPFS network. [IPFS](https://ipfs.io/) is a peer-to-peer content-addressable file system that inherently allows deduplication and facilitates opt-in replication. IPWB splits the header and payload of WARC response records before disseminating into IPFS to leverage the deduplication, builds a [CDXJ index](https://github.com/oduwsdl/ORS/wiki/CDXJ) with references to the IPFS hashes returned, and combines the header and payload from IPFS at the time of replay. InterPlanetary Wayback primarily consists of two scripts: - **ipwb/indexer.py** - archival indexing script that takes the path to a WARC input, extracts the HTTP headers, HTTP payload (response body), and relevant parts of the WARC-response record header from the WARC specified and creates byte string representations. The indexer then pushes the byte strings into IPFS using a locally running IPFS daemon then creates a [CDXJ](https://github.com/oduwsdl/ORS/wiki/CDXJ) file with this metadata for replay.py. - **ipwb/replay.py** - rudimentary replay script to resolve requests for archival content contained in IPFS for replay in the browser. A pictorial representation of the IPWB indexing and replay process: ![image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oduwsdl/ipwb/master/docs/diagram_72.png) Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://ipwb.ws-dl.cs.odu.edu/ Participation link: https://twitter.com/WebSciDL GitHub profile: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb Twitter: https://twitter.com/WebSciDL Last modified: 2018-07-12T01:33:39Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Collaboration, Database, Distribution, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, semantic, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: USA, Suggested values: semi-distributed,

Consensus Clubs

ID: aacb52cd-b24f-402f-8f14-8d32839d238b Tagline: Massively Multiplayer Online Knowledge Curation Description 1: Knowledge markets combine blockchains, tokens and gamified market mechanisms to incentivise the crowd to build social consensus, scaling coordinated decision-making to very large groups of users. Knowledge markets are carefully designed to be resistant to trolls, spammers, bots and bribing attacks. Description 2: The online social world is broken. People are not communicating because there is no way to determine if there is social consensus. We build tools to help communities measure the opinions of their members. We don't believe voting works, so we use market mechanisms to incentivise the crowd to think about their opinions before they share them. We are not promising world peace here - but we do think we can meaningfully improve things and change what it means to take part in an online community. Download required: select one Encryption: select one Link: https://consensusclubs.network Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=locqfCi01mw GitHub profile: bdflex GitHub repository: https://github.com/rflxvty Twitter: @consensusclubs Last modified: 2018-08-03T20:18:22Z

Project type: Software, Groups: Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: null,

Long Now

ID: 1b4abb5f-ba52-40ae-b814-33e0702029e8 Tagline: Fostering long-term thinking and responsibility Description 1: Creating opportunities for dialogue and information sharing about long-term Description 2: The Long Now Foundation fosters long-term thinking and responsibility through a variety of projects including building a 10,000 Year Clock; working to preserve endangered human languages; presenting 30+ lectures each year in San Francisco (and shared everywhere via video and podcast) promoting long-term perspectives on technology, art, science, society, and more; providing a platform (LongBets.org) for accountable predictions about society; and others. Our San Francisco headquarters is also a bar/cafe that is open to the public 7-days a week: TheInterval.org. Our foundation has always been inextricably involved with technology as characterized by our Board which includes supercomputer pioneer Danny Hillis; Stewart Brand (the Whole Earth Catalog) & Kevin Kelly (Wired magazine) who together organized the first Hackers conference; entrepreneurs Kim Polese and Ping Fu; among others. We don't advocate for individuals technologies. But we believe that all endeavors benefit from considering the future as a stakeholder. And many decentralized technologies seem to better meet one of our key goals than their centralized alternatives: they offer more options to people in the future rather than less. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: longnow.org Participation link: https://longnow.org/membership/ Video: https://youtu.be/mWtsIpS7g6M Twitter: longnow Open feedback: Thanks for having us! Last modified: 2018-08-05T01:55:39Z

Area of work: CivicTech, Governance, Law, Manufacturing, Policy, Project type: Community Engagement, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, General public, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Network topologies: null, Regional tractions: We have members around the world., Suggested areas of work: Futurism, Strategy,

InterPlanetary File System

ID: db810fd1-0a53-4d1c-91a8-fa791b35d594 Tagline: A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Description 1: IPFS is a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol that allows you to address information by what it is, not where it is. It allows you to use a different kind of web link. Instead of using links that point to locations, it uses links that uniquely describe the content itself, like a fingerprint. This content-addressed approach separates "what" from "where", so data can flow through the network, so it can be stored and served from anywhere by anyone. Description 2: # Here's how IPFS works Let's take a look at what happens when you add files to IPFS: - Each file and all of the blocks within it are given a unique fingerprint called a cryptographic hash. - IPFS removes duplications across the network and tracks version history for every file. - Each network node stores only content it is interested in, and some indexing information that helps figure out who is storing what. - When looking up files, you're asking the network to find nodes storing the content behind a unique hash. - Every file can be found by human-readable names using a decentralized naming system called IPNS. ### **For a deeper look at IPFS, read [the whitepaper](https://github.com/ipfs/papers/raw/master/ipfs-cap2pfs/ipfs-p2p-file-system.pdf) .** Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://ipfs.io Participation link: https://discuss.ipfs.io Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUVmypx9HGI&t=141s GitHub profile: https://github.com/ipfs GitHub repository: https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs Twitter: @ipfsbot Last modified: 2018-07-27T17:34:00Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: AI, Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, IoT, Mesh networks, Messaging, Operating systems, Policy, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: networking, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 054bb46d-2022-4b1d-8e8f-510ab65d6c55 Tagline: Decentralized secure names. Description 1: Namecoin is a decentralized naming system that has a global namespace and human-meaningful names. Its most common use cases are a decentralized alternative to the DNS and a decentralized public key infrastructure. Description 2: Namecoin is a decentralized naming system that has a global namespace and human-meaningful names. Its most common use cases are a decentralized alternative to the DNS and a decentralized public key infrastructure. Namecoin is unique among blockchain-based naming systems in that Namecoin stays as close to the Bitcoin codebase and threat model as possible. For example, Namecoin uses Hashcash-SHA256D mining and supports lightweight SPV clients. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://www.namecoin.org/ Participation link: https://www.namecoin.org/resources/chat/ GitHub profile: https://github.com/namecoin GitHub repository: https://github.com/namecoin Twitter: https://twitter.com/Namecoin Last modified: 2018-08-02T17:17:10Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, GNU GPL v3, MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers, Identity, Mesh networks, Messaging, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Stack: human interface, social, networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed,

Databox Project

ID: ed5d274e-342f-405e-bbd9-11089cc181bb Tagline: Privacy-Aware Personal Data Platform Description 1: Databox project is a £1.5M EPSRC project to explore the development of the Databox as a means of enhancing accountability and giving individuals control over the use of their personal data. Description 2: The Databox envisions an open-source personal networked device, augmented by cloud-hosted services, that collates, curates, and mediates access to an individual’s personal data by verified and audited third party applications and services. The Databox will form the heart of an individual’s personal data processing ecosystem, providing a platform for managing secure access to data and enabling authorised third parties to provide the owner with authenticated services, including services that may be accessed while roaming outside the home environment. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://www.databoxproject.uk Participation link: https://forum.databoxproject.uk/ Video: https://youtu.be/hJQiIrkJniU GitHub profile: https://github.com/haddadi GitHub repository: https://github.com/me-box/ Twitter: @databoxproject Last modified: 2018-07-12T10:10:45Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Distribution, Identity, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Stack: social, semantic, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: personal data,


ID: a49a8a7c-6e49-4e12-816d-0a81ca9eb7ca Description 1: Toward the web of programs, make your written scripts hyperlinkable, processible, and emergent endpoints on your browsers. Description 2: bunsanweb is a collection of technologies created to realize the new concept of a "Web of Programs". >> A world in which links in documents are able to to freely harness the power of to Web processing programs. We've designed: - Endpoints, that make browser tabs running JavaScript hyperlinkable - Hyperlinks, as first-class objects with metadata with HTML as a container of hyperlinks - The ability to Map linked Resources for URL semantics onto endpoint scripts, from local resources all the way to universal resources - A single federated universal stream for open events shared by emergent endpoints Maturity: concept Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: https://bunsanweb.github.io/ Participation link: https://github.com/bunsanweb/bunsanweb/issues/1 GitHub profile: https://github.com/bunsanweb GitHub repository: https://github.com/bunsanweb/bunsanweb Last modified: 2018-07-25T04:35:38Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Messaging, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, networking, Network topologies: distributed,

GNU social

ID: 7fab3f46-3fac-486d-8b53-94f050c715b8 Description 1: Federated social networking, powered by Ostatus Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: http://gnu.io/social Twitter: @gnusocial Last modified: 2018-08-01T18:42:18Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Collaboration, Messaging, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Stack: social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 49c6d755-b841-4729-b687-96de13b32a74 Tagline: Where the Crowd is the Cloud Description 1: Holo is a bridge to link our advanced crypto technology, Holochain, and everyday users. Description 2: Holo provides a way to unleash the enormous idle capacity in everyone’s computers. This gives us the power to build vibrant cloud hosting communities that will challenge how the Internet monopolies control our data and our interactions. Holo offers each of us the ability to participate by sharing, earning, and building the future of the web. The Holo​ ecosystem relies on hosts that provide processing and storage for distributed applications while earning redeemable credits. Hosts are paid in Holo's​ crypto-credits, called Holo fuel​, which are efficiently designed to transact a high volume of micro-transactions. Holo fuel​ functions by enabling the long-proven standardized practice of double-entry accounting with layers of cryptographic assurance on top of it. Read the Holo Green Paper and Currency Paper at the following link for more details: https://holo.host/whitepapers/ Maturity: concept Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: https://holo.host/ Participation link: https://chat.holochain.net Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FJL3ibnZlY Twitter: H_O_L_O_ Last modified: 2018-07-30T15:00:53Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Browsing, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Hardware, IoT, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Hardware, Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: human interface, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Canada, UnitedStates, Germany, Australia, India, UnitedKingdom, Russia, Suggested values: Crypto-Accounting,


ID: d2a8d583-358a-4b61-b1b6-6531e00628a6 Tagline: p2p chat for people & their communities Description 1: Peer to peer real-time chat Description 2: Cabal is real-time chat that doesn't rely on servers and works offline. Each cabal is identified by a secret key, where only people who know the key can find it and participate. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: no Participation link: https://github.com/cabal-club GitHub profile: cabal-club GitHub repository: https://github.com/cabal-club Open feedback: Thank you for building this <3 Last modified: 2018-08-02T23:57:13Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, MIT License, Area of work: Collaboration, Mesh networks, Messaging, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: social, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: ISC,


ID: d013116e-ec79-46b1-bb0d-e6532211be4d Tagline: Leading the field since 1999 Description 1: The International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) is an academic community dedicated to the advancement of the field of Information Ethics. The ICIE community offers a platform for an intercultural exchange of ideas and information regarding worldwide teaching and research in the field. Along with its official journal, the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), the Center has pioneered worldwide research in the ethics of information, digital, and communication technologies for nearly two decades. Description 2: The International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) is an academic community dedicated to the advancement of the field of information ethics. It offers a platform for an intercultural exchange of ideas and information regarding worldwide teaching and research in the field. ICIE provides an opportunity for community and for collaboration between colleagues practicing and teaching in the field. It provides news regarding ongoing activities by various organizations involved in the shared goals of information ethics. ICIE has organized and co-organised symposia since 2001 and publishes a book series in cooperation with W. Fink Verlag, Munich-Paderborn (Germany). ICIE has published the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) quarterly since 2004. Participation and membership in the community is free of charge. The success of the ICIE community is dependent on the efforts and participation of those involved in its formation and continual growth. It is through the sharing of related interests and knowledge with others that ICIE thrives. Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://www.i-c-i-e.org Participation link: https://www.i-c-i-e.org/forum-1 Twitter: @ICIEInfoEthics Last modified: 2018-07-23T21:41:33Z

Area of work: AI, Collaboration, Governance, Identity, IoT, Law, Policy, Publishing, Project type: Community Engagement, Groups: Academics, Funders, General public, Librarians, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: null, Regional tractions: UnitedStates, SouthAfrica, Kenya, Egypt, Canada, Germany, NewZealand, Brazil, Uruguay, UnitedKingdom, Japan, Suggested areas of work: Ethics,

Protocol Labs

ID: 1ab2ae22-66f4-489a-833e-84041d9f7601 Tagline: A research, development, and deployment institution for improving Internet technology. Description 1: Protocol Labs is a research, development, and deployment institution for improving Internet technology. Protocol Labs leads groundbreaking internet projects, such as IPFS, the decentralized web protocol; Filecoin, a cryptocurrency incentivized storage network; and libp2p, a modular network stack for peer-to-peer apps and systems. Protocol Labs works openly, and is focused on the creation of value at a massive scale. Description 2: ### Company Protocol Labs is a research, development, and deployment institution for improving Internet technology. Protocol Labs leads groundbreaking internet projects, such as IPFS, the decentralized web protocol; Filecoin, a cryptocurrency incentivized storage network; and libp2p, a modular network stack for peer-to-peer apps and systems. Protocol Labs works openly, and is focused on the creation of value at a massive scale. ### Open Source Protocol Labs works on a growing number of Open Source projects. The major technology stacks we produce are developed entirely Open Source, from initial research, through implementation development, and into wide deployment. The communities we lead are open, welcoming, and inclusive. We invite you to get involved; join us on GitHub! ### History Protocol Labs was founded on May 2014, by Juan Benet, inventor of IPFS and Filecoin. That summer, we participated in the YCombinator program (S14). Protocol Labs released IPFS to the world in January 2015. Since then, IPFS has gained enormous traction in a variety of industries and organizations. By 2016, IPFS grew to be one of the most used and relied on technologies in the Blockchain industry, and hailed by thousands of developers as "The Future of the Web." That year, Protocol Labs also created libp2p, IPLD, multiformats, Orbit, and a number of other projects. Our most anticipated project is Filecoin, currently in development. Maturity: general public Download required: select one Encryption: select one Link: https://protocol.ai Participation link: https://protocol.ai Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUVLuXjPAfg GitHub profile: protocol Twitter: @protocollabs Last modified: 2018-07-27T17:54:54Z

Area of work: AI, Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Currency, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, Hardware, Identity, IoT, Law, Mesh networks, Messaging, Operating systems, Policy, Productivity, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Community Engagement, Open Data, Software, Other, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: bfe2a170-b484-48a5-941f-628313785622 Tagline: Decentralized Social Media Network Description 1: We believe that freedom of expression, access to information, and privacy are fundamental human rights that should be respected on the Internet as well as in real life. Through AKASHA, we want to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve this by enshrining basic human rights in code and approaching things differently. Description 2: As a word, AKASHA ( [aːkaːʃə], आकाश) has roots in Sanskrit and means “ether” in both its elemental and metaphysical senses. The ancient Sanskrit-speaking civilization envisioned akasha as a metaphysical information network connecting humanity with itself and infinite knowledge. In this paradigm, thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences are stored forever and shared through akasha, the universal database connecting multiple planes of existence. In today’s blockchain realm, AKASHA is a social and technological experiment enabling our collective memory, feelings and ideas to echo freely throughout humanity’s existence. By fusing Ethereum with the Inter-Planetary File System, we explore the implications and applications of a permanent Web in the context of freedom of expression, creative perpetuity, and privacy for a better home of Mind. Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://akasha.world/ Participation link: https://discordapp.com/invite/JqqKasJ Video: https://youtu.be/SlXEuCNErdA GitHub repository: https://github.com/AkashaProject Twitter: AkashaProject Last modified: 2018-07-31T13:32:15Z

Software licenses: MPL v2.0, Area of work: Browsing, Collaboration, Distribution, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Scientists, Stack: social, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: manycountriesintheamericas, europe, andasia.,


ID: a8d726ce-ab91-4c1a-a925-fe9f664b3292 Tagline: Information is the Platform Description 1: InfoCentral is a software platform that makes well-structured information the center of computing, enabling greater interoperability, collaboration, and fluidity. Description 2: InfoCentral is an information-centered architecture and platform for future software and a decentralizable internet. It is foremost concerned with data portability, semantics, and interoperability. Information itself should be the platform -- a neutral foundation that software and networks can evolve around. InfoCentral takes a clean-slate, full-stack platform approach that is not bound to legacy web technologies, though bridges can be built for compatibility. The project vision is to innovate beyond existing internet and web paradigms. Maturity: concept Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://infocentral.org Last modified: 2018-08-14T19:47:45Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, CC BY-SA 2.0, Area of work: AI, Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Database, Distribution, Identity, IoT, Messaging, Operating systems, Productivity, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Open Data, Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: null, Suggested values: agnostic,


ID: ba6ee68d-1279-4bbf-98e7-3f397a344acb Tagline: Dat is a nonprofit-backed data sharing protocol for applications of the future. Description 1: A peer to peer file sharing protocol used as the basis for decentralized web applications Description 2: The Dat Project imagines a web of commons created by global communities on open and secure protocols. We set out to improve access to public data and created a new protocol along the way, read more at datprotocol.com. In our work on developing Dat, we found a under-served need. Decentralized software has potential to return control of digital information to the people. Today, building peer-to-peer applications presents both technical and ethical challenges but Dat is slowly changing that. To encourage people to experiment and innovate with decentralized technology, we aim to make Dat foundational software for peer-to-peer applications – one that is sponsored by a mission-driven nonprofit. To realize this future, we aim to make Dat good at supporting the core needs of peer-to-peer applications. We hope that with our small but critical focus, we can create a strong building block for the Dat ecosystem. Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: datproject.org Participation link: https://www.irccloud.com/irc/freenode/channel/dat GitHub profile: https://github.com/datproject GitHub repository: https://github.com/datproject Twitter: @dat_project Last modified: 2018-07-12T03:35:14Z

Software licenses: Other OSI-approved license, Area of work: Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Database, Distribution, Protocol, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Funders, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: social, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: UnitedStates, Chile, Argentina, Taiwan, Germany, Canada, UnitedKingdom, Ecuador, Norway, Denmark,


ID: 71c05d3f-73c8-4b48-be28-f0c8808e3ca1 Tagline: Conquer the Cloud! Description 1: The World’s First Intelligent Peer-to-Peer Cloud Computing Platform that provides Blockchain-powered Cloud Computing, IoT, and cryptocurrency mining for everyone. Description 2: Subutai™ was developed with the aim of disrupting, democratizing, and commoditizing Cloud and IoT services through the following products: Subutai PeerOS — Open Source, container-based P2P Cloud and IoT software and firmware. Subutai Bazaar — a reputation-based marketplace to sell/rent/trade computing resources and applications, as “the Airbnb of Cloud and IoT Computing Resources”. The Bazaar contains software products such as the Subutai Blockchain-in-a-Box blueprint. Subutai Blockchain Router — power-efficient “green” broadband Cloud router and open hardware IoT gateway that serves as a plug-and-play cryptocurrency wallet and mining device. KHAN™ — an Ethereum Blockchain-based reserve currency token that is the default and ubiquitous currency across the Subutai Platform. Focusing on flexibility, users are free to choose to utilize one, some, or all Subutai products. Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://subutai.io Participation link: https://slack.subutai.io/ Video: https://youtu.be/9V2nl5XOE5E GitHub profile: An Organization named Subutai GitHub repository: https://github.com/subutai-io/ Twitter: product: @Subutai_KHAN, corporate: @OptDyn Last modified: 2018-07-17T22:41:40Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: Manufacturing, Collaboration, Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers, Hardware, IoT, Mesh networks, Open hardware, Operating systems, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Project type: Hardware, Software, Groups: General public, Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Columbia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, NewZealand, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, SouthAfrica, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UnitedKingdom, USA, Vietnam,


ID: a4d57ba9-b007-4c4e-931e-ec325e2e0c62 Tagline: CASSIS is universal javascript/PHP that works on the client and the server for scalable application logic. http://cassisjs.org Description 1: CASSIS stands for: client and server scripting implementation subset. CASSIS Project is universal javascript (JS) that works on the client and the server for scalable application logic. The primary use-case is writing code to implement application logic that runs in browsers, especially dynamic interfaces that make use of XMLHTTPRequest (XHR/AJAX/AHAH), and also runs on web servers. Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: no Link: http://cassisjs.org Participation link: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev GitHub profile: https://github.com/tantek GitHub repository: https://github.com/tantek/cassis Twitter: cassisjs Last modified: 2018-08-01T20:28:32Z

Software licenses: CC BY-SA 2.0, Area of work: Browsing, Collaboration, Publishing, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, semantic, Network topologies: null, Regional tractions: USA, UK, Germany, Suggested areas of work: Computation, Textprocessing, Suggested values: library,


ID: 8e578689-e2ae-4bb2-ba8e-fa2fd0f1e83c Description 1: Supporting the expression of Verifiable Credentials in the Educational space. Maturity: first release Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://community.blockcerts.org GitHub repository: https://github.com/blockchain-certificates/wallet-iOS Last modified: 2018-07-31T03:45:38Z

Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Stack: social, Network topologies: decentralized, Suggested values: Hi,


ID: 8f306512-2bc3-4753-ada0-f2eb2339f8f2 Tagline: The Internet Archive, but Decentralized Description 1: Providing a decentralized interface to the Internet Archive Description 2: We wanted to see what was required to take a large site with a lot of data, and work out how to put it onto the dweb - taking account of the many issues that legacy data brings, in particular a very long tail of a large data set. Maturity: first release Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://dweb.archive.org Participation link: https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-archive/issues GitHub profile: internetarchive GitHub repository: https://github.com/internetarchive/dweb-archive Last modified: 2018-07-15T00:47:29Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Publishing, Project type: Open Data, Groups: General public, Stack: human interface, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: Archiving, Suggested values: server-supported peer to peer,


ID: 3d9a4f8c-45ca-4f68-8662-6f240c1e3db3 Description 1: COALA IP is an open specification for describing, registering, and licensing intellectual property on decentralized systems, especially blockchains. Description 2: The COALA IP group is collaborating to design and implement a free and open specification for representing and licensing intellectual property. COALA IP's goal is to establish open, free, and easy-to-use ways to record attribution information and other metadata about works, assign or license rights, mediate disputes, and authenticate claims by others. We believe there should be a global standard at the data level, without the need for centralized control. Maturity: first release Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://www.coalaip.org/ Participation link: https://github.com/COALAIP/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF9RaUAy-6g GitHub repository: https://github.com/coalaip/ Last modified: 2018-08-02T18:15:25Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, CC BY-SA 2.0, Area of work: Collaboration, Distribution, Law, Smart Contracts, Project type: Open Data, Other, Groups: Artists, Designers, Legal professionals, Librarians, Software developers, Stack: legal, semantic, Network topologies: null, Regional tractions: germany, us, uk, france, Suggested areas of work: licensing, intellectualproperty,

DIF Identity Hub

ID: 12e21bc2-caa0-4a9b-bc69-8a11e7987975 Description 1: A Hub for managing all the aspects of digital life. Description 2: Built by members of the DIF, the DIF Identity Hub stores personal data in the cloud and syncs with devices and remote instances. Multiple Identity Hubs can be used with different providers/locations, all synchronizing via a standard protocol. This enables secure, interoperable sending of encrypted messages and access to individual application data across multiple providers, hosts, and silos. Maturity: concept Download required: select one Encryption: select one Link: http://identity.foundation/working-groups Participation link: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/hubs GitHub profile: http://identity.foundation/working-groups GitHub repository: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/hubs Last modified: 2018-07-31T04:05:49Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Other, Area of work: Identity, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 2129c411-4df3-4ee1-893d-43fe1a2e374d Tagline: a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform Description 1: Scuttlebutt is an off-grid social network based on secure messaging, local gossip, and subjectivity. Description 2: ![ssb-principles-stack.jpg](https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/assets/principles-stack.jpg) Scuttlebutt aims to *harmonize* four perspectives of life: **Environment** reflecting **Technology** reflecting **Community** reflecting **Society**. We acknowledge the natural, the virtual, and the social environments. Our responsibility is to recognize which resources are **abundant**, which are **sufficient**, and adapt accordingly through **efficiency**. Technology is simply the means by which we communicate. We use **local-first** publishing so that each person owns their words and actions. Our solutions are piecemeal **upgradeable**, replaceable and incrementally improvable. Tending and pruning are not a stranger's duty, it is through **near moderation** and *free listening* that we improve our surroundings. Infrastructure is a voluntary act, **multimodal welcoming** is how we on-board people via diverse connectivity modes (technological acts of inclusion) as well as with greetings (words of inclusion). No one "signs up" but everyone is invited. Our community is a web of friendships: relationships defined not by a follow button, but by the flexibility of **subjectivity**. We cherish the freedom to be **independent**, but it is this same freedom which encourages – not coerces – us to be **interdependent**. We know we can at any time *fork*, but when individually recognizing the whole being greater than the sum of its parts, we tend to develop the collective. We value disagreement when it's supportive, and see it as generative and bond forming. Society is not made of homogeneous people, so we must allow **pluralism** of cultures to flourish. The edges of the social graph must extend to **include** all people and their diverse values, interactions, and customs. No one of us can build a welcoming place for all groups, because the very concept of welcoming is subjective. We must instead design platforms that are *easy to re-design*, removing us as arbiters of other communities. Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://www.scuttlebutt.nz Participation link: https://www.scuttlebutt.nz Video: https://vimeo.com/236358264 GitHub profile: http://github.com/ssbc/ Open feedback: <3 Last modified: 2018-08-02T21:47:46Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, ISC license, MIT License, Other OSI-approved license, Area of work: Browsing, CivicTech, Collaboration, Cryptography, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, Identity, Law, Mesh networks, Messaging, Operating systems, Policy, Productivity, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: solarpunk, off-grid, lowavailabilty, Suggested values: inclusion, pluralism, independence, subjectivity, interdependence, local-first, upgradeability, nearmoderation, multi-modalwelcoming, sufficency, efficiency, abundance,


ID: c3ad2ab9-c5cc-4027-96b1-b211137a33e1 Description 1: Standard for creating decentralized identifiers owned and controlled by people (or organizations) not a centralized authority. Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-spec/ Participation link: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/ GitHub profile: https://github.com/msporny GitHub repository: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec Last modified: 2018-07-31T03:19:51Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Network topologies: null, Suggested values: a high functioning standards organization growing out of long standing community effort around these ideas centered around the Internet Identity Workshop and an offshoot Rebooting Web of Trust,

Dat TiddlyWiki

ID: b652eafe-1f8f-440b-b4b0-163f330d653d Tagline: Peer-to-Peer Tiddlywikis Description 1: An experiment in creating peer-to-peer TiddlyWiki documents that can be updated from multiple devices and by multiple people Description 2: This is mostly an experiment using some cutting-edge peer-to-peer software libraries. I built it to scratch a personal itch. I use it myself to store personal notes and bits of information I'd like to share on multiple devices. Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://dat-tiddlywiki.glitch.me/ Participation link: Fritter! dat://fritter.hashbase.io (in Beaker Browser) ... but I'm active on Twitter too... https://twitter.com/jimpick GitHub profile: https://github.com/jimpick GitHub repository: https://github.com/jimpick/dat-tiddlywiki Last modified: 2018-07-02T19:24:37Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Collaboration, Publishing, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Stack: consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Mostly myself. I few people have tried it out.,


ID: 3e5684e6-7a82-4f95-8e8d-cad8ca48758e Tagline: The versioned, forkable, syncable database Description 1: Noms is a database for use in decentralized and distributed applications Description 2: Noms is a database designed for use in decentralized and distributed applications. Noms models data directly as a content-addressed directed acyclic graph -- the same basic data structure that blockchains, git, and other decentralized applications use. This makes it fit into decentralized applications especially well. For example, a Noms database can be used as the ledger component of a blockchain, or it can store the state of a rich peer-to-peer application. Maturity: beta Download required: no Encryption: no Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=womWInzG-00 GitHub profile: https://github.com/aboodman GitHub repository: https://github.com/attic-labs/noms Last modified: 2018-07-12T04:12:23Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: Cryptography, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Software developers, Stack: networking, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 575364de-74b4-49ed-b7ea-2f2bd104626e Tagline: A public space for the web. Description 1: An open index for any kind of digital media, anchored to a blockchain, with interoperable transport protocols and zero central points of failure. Description 2: Open Index Protocol (OIP) is a specification for a worldwide database for decentralized publishing, distribution and payments. OIP uses distributed networking and peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: content indexing, file storage/distribution and transaction management are carried out collectively by the network. OIP is the first permissionless system with a decentralized and transparent index for digital content and protected file persistence. The system uses a Salutary Protocol model, which requires financial incentive at both application and protocol layers, ensuring sustainability and antifragility of the system through open market incentive alignment of all participants. Maturity: beta Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://oip.wiki Participation link: https://chat.alexandria.io Video: https://oip.io/d286ba GitHub profile: oipwg GitHub repository: http://github.com/oipwg Last modified: 2018-08-01T02:07:38Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Collaboration, Cryptography, Distribution, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Open Data, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Funders, General public, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested values: Permissionless, Antifragile,


ID: 8fcf3026-9c73-48bf-973c-79b48e6f515b Description 1: Supporting individuals accessing their data in a coordinated way across several areas. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Home Participation link: https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+Implementer's+Guide Last modified: 2018-07-31T04:29:27Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 038172fb-bad3-4dde-a280-19d77d6d435a Description 1: JLINC (link to “JLINC” https://www.jlinc.com) stands for JSON-LD LInked Contract. It is a new protocol for permissioned data exchange on the Internet. JLINC is expressed in JSON-LD and adds a permission layer to a data graph. This creates “data provenance” where all parties can prove the chain of custody and agreement for the data they share. Description 2: Data permissions can be automated between an individual’s cloud-based service and separate services acting on behalf of other entities. An audit trail can be recorded on any combination of database, log, ledger, or blockchain. The core system consists of several API servers with backend datastores, and an array of use-case-specific front-end applications, mainly javascript SPAs and mobile and desktop apps, to provide a developer-friendly mechanism for establishing data provenance. Maturity: first release Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://www.jlinc.org Participation link: https://www.jlinc.org Last modified: 2018-07-31T04:35:46Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Protocol, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: b99f34b4-653e-4718-b2da-ab6e27c369f6 Tagline: An operating system for collective intelligence Description 1: DAOstack powers decentralized companies, funds and markets to make fast and innovative decisions at scale. Description 2: We enable decentralized budget and rewarding management for collectives by proposing and voting using Alchemy. Arc allows decentralizing ownership of DApps. Holographic Consensus powers collective decision making DApps, by incentivizing the collective attention. Maturity: beta Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://daostack.io/ Participation link: https://t.me/daostackcommunity Video: https://youtu.be/25wtmzBG1Yg GitHub profile: https://github.com/daostack GitHub repository: https://github.com/daostack Twitter: https://twitter.com/daostack Open feedback: Let me know if anything needs further clarification at: nave@daostack.io Last modified: 2018-07-26T17:56:16Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Law, Distribution, Browsing, Collaboration, Cryptography, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Governance, Identity, Mesh networks, Operating systems, Policy, Productivity, Protocol, Publishing, Smart Contracts, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, networking, consensus, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: Germany, Israel, US, Suggested areas of work: Decentralization, decisionmaking, collectivewisdom, scalability, consensus, Suggested values: open source,


ID: 460edd8a-fdc2-4b09-932d-6b1c059d6894 Tagline: The World's First Autonomous Data Network Description 1: Our mission is to provide security and privacy for everyone by building a better internet platform. This new platform, the SAFE Network, is the world’s first autonomous and decentralised data network. It's made up of the unused hard drive space, processing power and bandwidth of its users. Description 2: The SAFE (Secure Access For Everyone) Network creates a secure, autonomous, data-centric, peer-to-peer network as an alternative to the current server-centric model. Rather than residing on a central server or data centre, individual files are split up into pieces, encrypted and spread out over the network. Individuals retain full control of the files they create. It is resistant to DDoS, malware and hacking and it cannot be centrally co-opted and controlled by monopolistic corporate and government interests. As a platform, such a network could usher in whole new business models, just as the original Internet did at the turn of the century. See [A SAFE Network Primer](https://maidsafe.net/docs/Safe%20Network%20Primer.pdf) (PDF) for more information. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://maidsafe.net/ Participation link: https://forum.safedev.org/ Video: https://youtu.be/U1ffmf6z50E GitHub profile: https://github.com/dirvine GitHub repository: https://github.com/maidsafe Twitter: @maidsafe Last modified: 2018-07-12T11:18:54Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Modified BSD, Other, Area of work: Browsing, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Protocol, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: dapp, mail,

Bunsen Browser

ID: 0551c49f-4289-4007-b5cb-b897c69ac18d Tagline: Android web browser for the P2P Dat Web Description 1: Bunsen Browser is an experimental web browser for Android that allows users to explore the P2P Dat Web, Description 2: This is for anyone looking for an alternative to the centralized Internet of today. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://bunsenbrowser.github.io GitHub profile: https://github.com/bunsenbrowser GitHub repository: https://github.com/bunsenbrowser/bunsen Last modified: 2018-07-31T19:55:35Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, Network topologies: distributed,

Verifiable Credentials

ID: 050f021f-6ea1-4334-ad3b-b6d9c0639faf Tagline: Verifiable Credentials Description 1: open standard for expressing verifiable credentials (like a drivers license or a degree) Download required: select one Encryption: select one Participation link: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWtOg3vSzxI GitHub repository: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/ Last modified: 2018-07-31T03:36:40Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Network topologies: null, Suggested values: high functioning standards effort at the W3C and coming out of years of work at the Internet Identity Workshop and a spin-off Rebooting Web of Trust ,


ID: c4421a18-63c4-4d6b-8d64-bbd2e4d0b7f7 Tagline: Decentralized and encrypted alternative to Google's G-Suite Description 1: Graphite is a productivity suite offering document editing and creation, spreadsheets, file storage, contact management, and messaging. Description 2: Graphite is for the creators. The businesses. The people. It's for everyone who wants more security, privacy, and censorship resistance. Whether you are looking to move away from Google because of a moral stance or you need protection from snooping to protect yourself, Graphite is for you. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://graphitedocs.com Participation link: https://graphitedocs.com GitHub profile: Graphite-Docs GitHub repository: https://github.com/Graphite-Docs/graphite Twitter: @graphitedocs Last modified: 2018-08-03T14:28:25Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: CivicTech, Collaboration, Messaging, Productivity, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: social, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: UnitedStates, UnitedKingdom, Germany, Iran, Turkey, China, Vietnam, Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, andmore,


ID: 145901ad-44c2-4937-9f66-a6066d966c5e Tagline: own your digital self Description 1: Jolocom delivers a protocol for people, organizations and machines to autonomously create, manage, and share digital identities. Description 2: We use blockchain and other decentralized technologies to build a virtual infrastructure that supports self-sovereign identity management by any subject, entity, or object connected to a network. The open source protocol is a universal framework for identity interactions over the internet and is designed to drive adoption of self-sovereign identity at global scale as a common resource. Anyone and anything with an identity - companies, consumers, public institutions, state citizens, machines - benefits from a system that allows subjects of identity to control and truly own their digital selves. Jolocom’s protocol for self-sovereign identity management finally makes it possible. Organizations of any size can easily deploy our identity management tools to optimize internal and consumer-facing identity verification & access right needs, and ordinary individuals can easily use our tools to store, share, and maintain exclusive control over their personal data and identity attributes. Our protocol even supports machine identity interactions in IoT environments. Whether you’re an individual, organization, or machine, Jolocom helps put you in control of your digital self. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: jolocom.com Participation link: tg://join?invite=BRZ49A1ysPrieF4drcIDow Video: https://youtu.be/7ySkqG24Atk GitHub profile: https://github.com/jolocom GitHub repository: https://github.com/jolocom Twitter: @GETJolocom Open feedback: thx so much for this great initiative :) Last modified: 2018-07-10T12:28:22Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Browsing, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Governance, Identity, Protocol, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: consensus, Network topologies: distributed,

DID Universal Resolver

ID: dbc019e7-9287-46fe-80a6-01a8227f54fe Description 1: Implementation of the DID resolution process; I.e. starting with a Decentralized Identifier (DID), this tool returns the associated DID document, which contains metadata for interacting with the individual, organization, or thing identified by the DID. Description 2: The DID Universal Resolver is first major project of the 30+ members of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF). DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers) are a foundational standard for decentralized, blockchain-based identity. A DID method is a spec that defines how DIDs are created, read, updated, and deleted (revoked) on a specific blockchain or distributed system. DID methods have been implemented for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Sovrin, IPFS, Veres One, and Blockstack. The Universal Resolver uses Docker-based modules to plug different DID methods into a single codebase. This tool is not an app or service that provides end-user by itself, but it is rather meant to be a basic building block for other projects in the decentralized identity space. Maturity: beta Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: https://uniresolver.io/ Participation link: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqP4NS8zZfU&t=20s GitHub profile: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID Last modified: 2018-07-12T14:43:46Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: Cryptography, Distributed Ledgers, Identity, Protocol, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Software developers, Stack: semantic, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Austria, USA, Suggested areas of work: identifiers,


ID: 19bfb81b-da07-454d-84b1-7a6bba6cdd48 Description 1: Graph database and graphical generic shell for the distributed web. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: http://baseparadigm.org/ Participation link: https://twitter.com/trvisfw GitHub profile: travisfw Twitter: trvisfw Last modified: 2018-08-02T00:24:06Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Collaboration, Database, Productivity, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Librarians, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, semantic, Network topologies: distributed, Suggested areas of work: programming, Suggested values: unix philosophy,


ID: 8a625375-0899-481a-a03d-f4390fbba35f Tagline: Urbit is a secure peer-to-peer network of personal servers, built on a clean-slate system software stack. Description 1: A personal server is a virtual computer which stores your data, runs your apps, and manages your connected devices. Description 2: We believe controlling your own data, code and identity is the definition of digital freedom. We believe everyone needs digital freedom, not just a few hackers. We believe the only tool needed to solve this problem is a general-purpose server made for human beings. Your urbit is your cryptographic identity, personal archive, application platform, and device hub. It's as easy to manage as an iPhone. In Urbit, network identities are cryptographic property, like Bitcoin. If Bitcoin is money and Ethereum is law, Urbit is land. Urbit is designed to become a digital republic: a network of individually owned nodes with no central point of control. Like a well-planned city, the friendly network is decentralized but connected, safe but free. An ordinary person can't manage a Unix server on the Internet. The Unix-Internet platform was a brilliant system, but it's almost 50 years old. Urbit is a new clean-slate, full-stack server. It's implemented on top of the old platform, but it's a sealed sandbox like the browser. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://urbit.org/ Participation link: https://urbit.org/stream/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1qroWiZF90 GitHub profile: urbit GitHub repository: https://github.com/urbit Twitter: urbit Last modified: 2018-07-24T21:49:13Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Distributed Ledgers, Collaboration, Identity, Cryptography, Currency, Database, Governance, Messaging, Operating systems, Productivity, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: USA,


ID: 3ca15d3b-a0cc-4dda-b3d2-011094631d09 Description 1: The purpose of an object capability is to support the delegation of authorization and to give access to do something. Object Capabilities and Verifiable Credentials are complementary. Verifiable Credentials are a vocabulary for talking about things with identities. Object Capabilities are a vocabulary about what can be done to things. Description 2: Example 1: You have rented a car. When you arrive at the counter, you present your driver’s licence (a verified credential issued by your state). This is presented to the rental car company who checks it. After your driver’s license is verified, the rental car company issues a rental car vehicle key (object capability), which is the capability to operate the car. Once you present a verified credential (driver’s license), you receive an object capability (rental car key). Example 2: You have made a hotel reservation. At the registration desk, you present your proof of the reservation and your ID (verifiable credentials). The hotel checks the ledger to verify the credential was issued by an authoritative source. Once confirmed, the hotel issues the room key (object capability) which gives access to a hotel room for a specific time. If your stay is longer than your reservation, then access to the room can be turned off (the capability is revocable; in the case of card-swipe keys, instantly revocable). Maturity: concept Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ocap-ld/#introduction Participation link: https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/ GitHub repository: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ocap-ld/. Last modified: 2018-07-31T04:21:48Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Manufacturing, Operating systems, Protocol, Project type: Software, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 24fe90e2-326b-435e-bd1c-c4da3174b869 Tagline: Democratize access to AI Description 1: A public intelligence network Description 2: Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem for sharing data and associated services. It provides a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. There is staking on services to signal quality, reputation and ward against Sybil Attacks. Ocean helps to unlock data, particularly for AI. It is designed for scale and uses blockchain technology that allows data to be shared and sold in a safe, secure and transparent manner. # How Ocean Protocol Works The Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem composed of data assets and services, where assets are represented by data and algorithms, and services are represented by integration, processing and persistence mechanisms. Ocean Protocol facilitates discovery by storing and promoting metadata, linking assets and services, and provides a licensing framework that has toolsets for pricing. A multitude of data marketplaces can hook into Ocean Protocol to provide “last mile” services to connect data providers and consumers. Ocean Protocol is designed so that data owners cannot be locked-in to any single marketplace. The data owner controls each dataset. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://oceanprotocol.com/ Participation link: https://t.me/oceanprotocol Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEeicvNSyk4 GitHub profile: @diminator GitHub repository: https://github.com/oceanprotocol Twitter: @oceanprotocol Last modified: 2018-08-02T18:49:22Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, CC BY 2.0, CC0, Area of work: Hardware, Governance, Collaboration, Cryptography, Database, Distributed Ledgers, AI, IoT, Open hardware, Protocol, Publishing, Storage, Project type: Community Engagement, Open Data, Software, Groups: Artists, Funders, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, Network topologies: decentralized, Regional tractions: germany, us, singapore, Suggested areas of work: privacy, commons, incentives, Suggested values: collaborativecommons, opensourcegovernance,

Cooby tec

ID: 17e8d32c-2ad3-480d-8de5-e46d380c9c84 Tagline: Cooperative Business Systems Description 1: A platform cooperative for business-related digital products & services. Software, research and text foundary. Description 2: #Mission statements # - Our strategy is to build a best-in-class open source business software platform to manage and promote your organisation infused with blockchain technology - Our philosophy is “you pay what you get” - the costs for our products are reduced to the max. Support is therefore available in additional packages - Cooby tec is an agent-centric platform, so the support is mainly done through the agents, which will get all the tooling on the platform to do their job - Cooby tec is a technology company whose mission is to empower every organization to achieve more with fewer costs. - We strive to create networked opportunities, growth, and impact through our blockchain enabled business platform in every country around the world - Together with our clients and external developers we strive to create an innovative community around our products - We are active supporters and contributors of OpenSource Software and we avoid to build products that locks in our clients to our company or products - Our products and service are streamlined to consume less computer resources than similar services. - We call us a sustainable and integrity-driven company Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://cooby.io Participation link: https://cooby.io/aboutus GitHub profile: https://github.com/lucode GitHub repository: https://github.com/coobyHQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/coobyHQ Last modified: 2018-07-21T11:18:16Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Collaboration, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Governance, Identity, Manufacturing, Messaging, Productivity, Publishing, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: General public, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: social, networking, consensus, Network topologies: decentralized, Suggested areas of work: ERP, CRM, Suggested values: Agent-centric, platformco-op,

Mushroom Observer

ID: c62cbd04-f6d8-4ac8-a517-d1f4d5389cf3 Description 1: The purpose of this site is to record observations about mushrooms, help people identify mushrooms they aren’t familiar with, and expand the community around the scientific exploration of mushrooms (mycology). Description 2: Anyone curious about mushrooms and fungi. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://mushroomobserver.org GitHub profile: mo-nathan GitHub repository: https://github.com/MushroomObserver Last modified: 2018-08-01T17:29:14Z

Project type: Open Data, Groups: Academics, General public, Scientists, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: decentralized,

DID Auth

ID: bf00bfa4-c028-4c4f-ab34-0c3f5d234fb6 Tagline: Authentication Description 1: Authentication of a DID - does the person own it or not? Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-spring2018/blob/master/draft-documents/did_auth_draft.md Participation link: https://weboftrustinfo.slack.com/messages/C9N0M37ST GitHub profile: https://github.com/peacekeeper GitHub repository: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-auth-relying-party Last modified: 2018-07-31T04:16:06Z

Software licenses: Other, Area of work: Identity, Project type: Other, Groups: Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 4e5cfddc-0172-470a-811c-0fad9fa6ecf7 Description 1: Based in Toronto, we are a grassroots and decentralized group of volunteers who started Toronto Mesh at CivicTechTO in early 2016. Through building community-owned infrastructure using off-the-shelf hardware and open-source technology, we are hoping to address barriers to internet access in our city. Description 2: The internet is currently not open and inclusive for all people. We are building a community-owned infrastructure that gives us: * open, lower-cost access to the World Wide Web * a resilient and redundant network * agency to make important decisions about privacy * autonomy to access information in a free manner * an opportunity to develop technical literacies The primary driver for Toronto Mesh is to empower people to create spaces in which they can make decisions about the way they access and share information. For many of us, managing our online privacy means compromising it; the apps we download, the websites we visit, the operating systems we use, and even the infrastructure which carries our data around the world are implicated and leveraged by practices of surveillance for profit and social control. Internet access in general is sold in a ‘black box’; meaning that the buyer doesn’t know what it does or how it works. We believe this approach is at odds with the understanding of the internet as a place where people are empowered to act. Community-owned networks ask users to understand the technologies they use and to make decisions based on their community needs, rather than those of corporations. As citizens, we cannot simply create our own parallel internet by pulling fibre optic cabling through the ground and the sea, or building data centres and switching stations. What we do have access to are the tools and devices through which countless wireless networks are already substantiated. In our project we are using familiar routers and antennas, we draw on lessons from existing projects worldwide in order to help us bring together residents, business owners, technologists, and others, to provide internet access in their neighbourhoods and cities. Building a mesh will be another way to connect people and spaces in this city to each other. Maturity: beta Download required: no Encryption: yes Link: https://tomesh.net Participation link: https://chat.tomesh.net/#/room/#tomesh:tomesh.net GitHub profile: tomeshnet GitHub repository: https://github.com/tomeshnet/ Twitter: @tomeshnet Last modified: 2018-08-09T08:01:37Z

Software licenses: CC BY-SA 2.0, GNU GPL v3, Area of work: Operating systems, CivicTech, Hardware, IoT, Mesh networks, Messaging, Open hardware, Policy, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Project type: Community Engagement, Hardware, Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: social, networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Canada, USA, Europe, Suggested areas of work: Technicalliteracy, Education, Suggested values: inclusive, openworkculture,


ID: 0f123203-306d-42a6-af1e-38a389c80e0c Tagline: A modular peer to peer network stack Description 1: Run your network applications free from runtime and address services, independently of their location. Description 2: libp2p is a networking stack and library modularized out of The IPFS Project, and bundled separately for other tools to use. libp2p is the product of a long, and arduous quest of understanding -- a deep dive into the internet's network stack, and plentiful peer-to-peer protocols from the past. Building large scale peer-to-peer systems has been complex and difficult in the last 15 years, and libp2p is a way to fix that. It is a "network stack" -- a protocol suite -- that cleanly separates concerns, and enables sophisticated applications to only use the protocols they absolutely need, without giving up interoperability and upgradeability. libp2p grew out of IPFS, but it is built so that lots of people can use it, for lots of different projects. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://libp2p.io Participation link: https://discuss.ipfs.io GitHub profile: libp2p GitHub repository: https://github.com/libp2p/libp2p Twitter: @libp2p Last modified: 2018-07-27T17:51:02Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: Collaboration, Cryptography, Currency, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, IoT, Law, Mesh networks, Messaging, Operating systems, Protocol, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: networking, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 2034b919-0958-4332-baf1-71db158bb264 Tagline: The Nation's largest crowd-sourced work of art honoring immigrants. Description 1: The Immigrant Yarn Project is a purely democratic (by the people) and colossal work of public art, representing a cross section of the American experience. We think it's time to rise above division and come together to celebrate what we all have in common - citizenry in a nation composed of diverse backgrounds, families, politics, faiths, identities and ideas. Description 2: The Immigrant Yarn Project (IYP) is the largest work of crowd sourced art in the country but it is not just a massive work of public art, it is a massive work of community building. We have started knitting circles at retirement centers, and high schools. We have hosted pompom shacks at museums and street fairs. Girl Scouts, middle schoolers, millennials gathering for Passover, and SF Gay Men’s Knitting have all participated. We will be at community centers, music festivals and street fairs throughout the summer and fall - teaching and making pieces of yarn art with every community the Bay Area has to offer. And the word is out. We are now receiving pieces from as far away as Maine, Boston and Miami. As these pieces of yarn art arrive from around the country, they are assembled and sewn into large panels of one of three dimensions; 36” x 48”, 36” x 60” and 36’x72”. These panels are then wrapped around columns of the same height. As of the writing of this proposal we have over 30 completed columns, on our way to more than 100 colorful, bold, wildly unique, and individual yarn-based sculptural forms, each representing the equally unique and beautiful people who created them. The project will be exhibited at Fort Point National Historic Site starting in May 2019 for four months, free and open to the public. We are particularly proud of securing this location. Fort Point, a National Park Service site, stands as the gateway to the entire Bay Area, and within view of Angel Island-the west coast immigration station located in San Francisco Bay. We will continue to accept contributions and create columns throughout the Project’s lifecycle. In this way, the IYP is a living organic and changing work of art. Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: www.immigrantyarnproject.org Participation link: immigrantyarnproject.org; enactivistsf@gmail.com, Twitter: @enactivist Last modified: 2018-07-26T18:44:11Z

Area of work: Policy, Project type: Community Engagement, Groups: General public, Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: social, Network topologies: centralized, Regional tractions: USA, England, Canada, Mexico, Ireland, China, India, Serbia, France, andmoreaddeddaily., Suggested areas of work: Activism, SocialActivism, SocialEngagement, CreativeActivism, Suggested values: Unity, Diversity, Engagement, Respect, Understanding,


ID: 7214a976-4d59-4a6f-884c-54e46507cec5 Tagline: A Decentralised, Open Access, Publishing Platform for Scientific Research Description 1: Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. Description 2: In short, Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. So, Aletheia is software. But software without people is nothing. To comprehensively answer the question what is Aletheia, Aletheia is software surrounded by a community of people who want to change the world through open access to scientific knowledge. For a more in depth explanation, Aletheia is an Ethereum Blockchain application utilising IPFS for decentralised storage that anyone can upload documents to, download documents from, that also handles the academic peer review process. The application runs on individual PCs, all forming part of the IPFS database. This gives us an open source platform that cannot be bought out by the large publishers (and any derivatives of the platform source code must also be open source) that should also be hard to take down due to database nodes being spread across the globe in multiple legal jurisdictions. Aletheia is designed to be a resilient platform run transparently by the community, not some black box corporation or editorial board, meaning all users can see the decisions Aletheia is making and have a stake in that decision making process if they so desire. By this nature, Aletheia is decentralised, it has no key person risk. Should the core group who invented Aletheia disappear Aletheia won't cease to exist, it will continue to be run by the community. The community moderates content through various mechanisms (peer review, reputation scores etc.,) to ensure quality of content. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: https://aletheia-foundation.io/ Participation link: https://github.com/aletheia-foundation/aletheia-admin Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO68UxMsoKM GitHub profile: aletheia-foundation GitHub repository: https://github.com/aletheia-foundation Twitter: @aletheia_f Last modified: 2018-07-12T04:08:31Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v3, Area of work: CivicTech, Collaboration, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Distribution, Governance, Publishing, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Stack: semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 45025d5f-4971-4d0a-8edf-37b82606b757 Tagline: Decentralized Content Distribution Network Description 1: NewNode is a decentralized content delivery network; faster, secure, censorship-proof, and decentralized. Description 2: NewNode is the premier decentralized peer-to-peer content delivery protocol, enabling data distribution free from censorship, spying, and attack. NewNode seamlessly builds a decentralized content distribution network which is quickly and easily deployed by publishers, transparent to users, and greatly improves overall network performance. • NewNode radically democratizes content distribution by leveraging the power of decentralized peer-to-peer networks. • NewNode allows app content to reach users even if the source is blocked or censored. • NewNode is a fast and reliable content distribution system uniquely resistant to censorship, DDoS attacks, and
other types of disruption. • NewNode is built using secure industry-wide standards and takes advantage of BitTorrent’s 250 Million user base to bootstrap its distribution network. • NewNode is quick and easy for app developers to implement and invisible to the end user. Maturity: general public Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: http://newnode.com Participation link: tg://resolve?domain=newnode GitHub profile: https://github.com/clostra GitHub repository: https://github.com/clostra/newnode Last modified: 2018-07-24T18:35:44Z

Software licenses: GNU GPL v2, Area of work: Distribution, Mesh networks, Protocol, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: Software developers, Stack: networking, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: Russia, China, USA, Suggested areas of work: Networking, Censorshipresistance,


ID: 204f46be-056e-4336-8d68-c4d726fd2f14 Tagline: Building the Internet of Ideas on Bridge at a Time Description 1: Bridgit decentralizes the linking of information, enabling the deep researchers to connect all publicly available information on an idea-by-idea basis. This in turn will enable discovery and learning in a fraction of the time and effort of Search. Description 2: Bridgers are people who already compulsively research their topics of interest on the web, seeking new information and perspectives that help them understand "the why." The talk about connecting the dots. They want to create bridges of understanding.  For this demographic, virtually all research is deep search on the Internet, the deep web including information behind paywalls, and in some cases the dark web. Bridgers combine a drive to learn more about a topic with an understanding of keywords, search terms, advanced search expressions, and which search engines are best for specific use cases. They can spend hours a day searching on the internet.  Bridgers learn the most amazing things. Usually the best that they can do is write a blog or make a YouTube video about what they have learned. But that's a lot of work, especially if you have a day job and the potential exposure is limited if they do not already have an established audience. So they usually end up relegating their amazing discovery to a Google doc or Evernote, texting or emailing it to themselves or to a friend, or posting it on a Telegram group or their Facebook Wall. Here today, gone tomorrow.   Bridgit offers bridgers the opportunity to build conceptual "bridges" that organize, share, attract eyeballs, and monetize the deep search they are already doing. They do this by annotating and building bridges between ideas on different pages. Each idea can be a paragraph, a phrase, a part of an image, a segment of a video. The bridge has a type that reflects the relationship between the ideas (e.g., supporting, opposing).  Bridgers get compensated based on the value their notes and bridges add to the network based on upvotes and bridge crossings. One could say that Bridgit tokenizes their research.  Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: no Link: https://bridgit.io Participation link: https://bridgit.io Video: Not yet , but I will shortly GitHub profile: bridgitbrowser GitHub repository: Stealth at the moment Twitter: bridgit_io Open feedback: Thanks Last modified: 2018-08-01T17:44:51Z

Software licenses: Not stated, Area of work: Browsing, Messaging, Productivity, Publishing, Project type: Community Engagement, Open Data, Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Stack: human interface, social, semantic, Network topologies: distributed, Regional tractions: United States, Suggested areas of work: Linking, Suggested values: agent-centric, transparency, knowledge, wisdom, understanding,


ID: 17e7301c-5343-4d6c-8589-b82c332d8332 Tagline: Supporting open source in the public interest Description 1: We are a 501c3 supporting open source projects and open collaboration in public interest technology. We support the Dat project and have many other decentralized tech projects and people in our community. Description 2: Code for Science & Society​ is a 501(c)(3) that supports open source projects in the public interest. We work across domains, drawing our diverse community from research, science, the arts, civic tech, academia, the decentralized web and new media. We work to connect communities across these domains and identify barriers to open source project success that impact everyone. Open source software is already a critical component of many public interest technologies. However, running a sustainable open source project is about more than just code. Projects need unique support as they grow. Early stage projects need to develop governance structures, create strategic plans, and manage finances. Mid-stage and established projects need support to diversify revenue, explore business models, and manage growing communities. Today, open source projects rely on informal networks. Advances in one domain may take years to catch on in another. And too often projects do not meet their potential due to common pitfalls (examples: leadership burnout, community management issues, governance structures that can not accommodate growth). There is a clear need for services and supportive community spaces to set conditions for success and develop leaders in open source projects across domains. Our team has experience in starting, leading, funding, mentoring, and fiscally sponsoring open source projects in the public interest. We offer programs and services designed to elevate the ecosystem, including: ● Fiscal sponsorship bundled with strategic project support ● Services for projects that build management, leadership, and fundraising skills ● Services for funders focused on evaluating sustainability of investments in open source to maximize impact ● Inclusive spaces for people to connect across domains and share knowledge ● Support for the development of diverse leaders Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: codeforscience.org Participation link: hi@codeforscience.org GitHub profile: https://github.com/codeforscience GitHub repository: https://github.com/codeforscience Twitter: @codeforsociety Last modified: 2018-07-12T03:53:35Z

Software licenses: Other OSI-approved license, Area of work: CivicTech, Collaboration, Distribution, Governance, Project type: Community Engagement, Other, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Funders, General public, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: null, Regional tractions: NewZealand, UnitedStates, UnitedKingdom, Germany, Suggested areas of work: nonprofit, fiscalspponsor, sustainability, Suggested values: public interest technology,

Kiva Protocol

ID: 7afad370-fe8b-4a81-9562-8fac46b1ea54 Tagline: Financial inclusion platform for the world’s unbanked Description 1: There are nearly 2 billion people in the world who are not able to access the formal financial system due to either a lack of identity or verifiable credit history. Kiva protocol aims to end this financial exclusion. Description 2: There are nearly 2 billion people in the world who are not able to access the formal financial system due to either a lack of identity or verifiable credit history. Kiva protocol aims to allow people to carry self-sovereign id in a digital wallet for fulfilling KYC (Know Your Customer) by banks. It also allows for carrying verifiable claims of past credit transactions and enabling the choice to expose those to potential credit providers in a way in which the financial institutions can trust the data and be more open to extending credit. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes GitHub profile: github.com/kiva Last modified: 2018-08-02T17:50:08Z

Area of work: Governance, Identity, Project type: Other, Groups: Finance professionals, General public, Stack: social, legal, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: cd7dbc7b-37d4-4594-8ceb-2979a5c0a3e9 Description 1: HIE of One (Health Information Exchange of One) is a volunteer-driven open source project to combine emerging standards for access authorization (Kantara UMA) and emerging standards for blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (DID) into a patient-centered health record infrastructure. Maturity: alpha Download required: yes Encryption: yes Link: http://hieofone.org/ Participation link: http://hieofone.org/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_3DbDZUTIg GitHub profile: https://github.com/shihjay2/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/shihjay2/ Twitter: @agropper Open feedback: Great start. It will be interesting to see how editing and expanding works interactively. Last modified: 2018-07-12T23:58:34Z

Software licenses: CC BY 2.0, CC BY-SA 2.0, GNU GPL v3, Area of work: AI, CivicTech, Collaboration, Governance, Identity, Policy, Protocol, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, General public, Municipalities, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, legal, networking, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 6fe6bf88-eb40-4ea0-a6e8-9f5e93885913 Tagline: free money Description 1: mutual credit networks in the commons accessible as a basic human interface Maturity: alpha Download required: no Encryption: no Last modified: 2018-07-01T19:56:15Z

Software licenses: Apache License v2, Area of work: Collaboration, Currency, Distributed Ledgers, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Other, Stack: human interface, social, legal, semantic, networking, consensus, Network topologies: distributed,


ID: 1975d442-126a-4aad-a60f-861adaf35581 Description 1: We are a funder Description 2: People affected by censorship Maturity: general public Download required: select one Encryption: select one Link: htts://www.opentech.fund GitHub profile: danblah GitHub repository: opentechfund Twitter: opentechfund Last modified: 2018-08-02T20:07:03Z

Area of work: Browsing, CivicTech, Cryptography, Distribution, Mesh networks, Messaging, Operating systems, Protocol, Self-hosting, Project type: Other, Groups: Academics, Designers, Funders, General public, Software developers, Network topologies: centralized,


ID: 4d3086e8-da85-47f6-b0d7-e24d2e87e3df Tagline: a non-linear personal web notebook Description 1: Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember? Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information. TiddlyWiki is a customisable, extensible, self-contained wiki that runs anywhere -- the browser, under Node.js, Amazon Lambda. Description 2: TiddlyWiki ships as a self-contained way to take notes, but really it's about enabling people to build custom web applications without needing conventional web development skills. TiddlyWiki is interesting in the context of decentralised architectures because of its self contained nature, without any dependencies. Ten years ago Zooko was experimenting with it for the Least Authority Filing System project, and now TiddlyWiki is being explored on Beaker Browser by a new generation of hackers. --- TiddlyWiki is an open-source single page application wiki in the form of a single HTML file that includes CSS, JavaScript, and the content. It is designed to be easy to customize and re-shape depending on application. It facilitates re-use of content by dividing it into small pieces called Tiddlers. TiddlyWiki introduces the division of content into its "smallest, semantically meaningful, components", referred to as tiddlers. Each tiddler is stored inside an HTML division that contains the source text and meta data in wiki markup for the easy re-use of content for different narratives and in different contexts. A tiddler can be a plugin with additional JavaScript and CSS. TiddlyWiki is used in a wide variety of adaptations and uses beyond that of a personal wiki. More [on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TiddlyWiki). Maturity: general public Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://tiddlywiki.com/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCUr83XgyE GitHub profile: @Jermolene GitHub repository: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 Twitter: @TiddlyWiki Last modified: 2018-08-01T06:26:26Z

Software licenses: Modified BSD, Area of work: Collaboration, Distribution, Productivity, Publishing, Self-hosting, Project type: Software, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, Finance professionals, Funders, General public, Legal professionals, Librarians, Municipalities, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: human interface, social, Network topologies: null,


ID: 608ded1a-50a5-43eb-98b0-7d46266e5837 Tagline: The Website Builder of the Blockchain Description 1: Konjure is a website builder for the Decentralized Web. Description 2: We're forging a new type of website builder that streamlines the process from site creation to hosting on a peer-to-peer network. In just a few clicks, users can have their very own blog, shop, or personal website on the Decentralized Web, and take advantage of our KONJ utility token throughout our ecosystem. This offers a faster, more secure environment where users have full ownership over their data. Maturity: concept Download required: select one Encryption: select one Link: https://konjure.org Participation link: https://konjure.org/company/meet-the-team/ GitHub profile: https://github.com/KaiMicahMills GitHub repository: https://github.com/Konjure/konjure-org Twitter: KonjureOrg Last modified: 2018-08-03T16:58:36Z

Software licenses: MIT License, Area of work: AI, Currency, Database, Distributed Ledgers, Identity, Self-hosting, Smart Contracts, Storage, Project type: Community Engagement, Software, Groups: Designers, General public, Software developers, Stack: social, semantic, consensus, Network topologies: decentralized,


ID: 2c5e6666-88da-4129-948b-dcfbe7f3e674 Description 1: Podcast about the Dat Project community Description 2: We interview interesting people who are helping build the Dat community and ecosystem. Maturity: first release Download required: no Encryption: no Link: https://dat-cast.hashbase.io/ Twitter: dat_cast Last modified: 2018-07-28T04:25:45Z

Area of work: Collaboration, Cryptography, Database, Distribution, Protocol, Publishing, Self-hosting, Storage, Project type: Community Engagement, Groups: Academics, Artists, Designers, General public, Librarians, Scientists, Software developers, Stack: social, Network topologies: centralized,

Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Digital Life Collective, published under the X11 license. Original source: https://github.com/DigitalLifeCollective/mapped-projects. Converter: https://gitlab.com/groupware-systems/diglife_mapped_projects_conversion.